Featured Advantages of Industrial Used 650nm Red Line Laser Module - Orange - Industrial Tools & Equipment, Orange - 3185799


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Featured Advantages of Industrial Used 650nm Red Line Laser Module - Industrial Tools & Equipment

Ref. number: 3185799 Updated: 12-03-2025 13:18

Price: 49 AUD $

Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Orange

When advanced 650nm red laser diode tech is applied for industrial laser device, cooperated with a qualified glass coated lens, it is created into a practically used device of a 650nm red line laser module. It applies an import 650nm red laser diode inside its durable housing tube. It gets different output power range of 5mW to 100mW, and high power up to 150mW to 500mW. Owing to its unique use of cooling system and APC driving circuit board, it enables long time lasting red line projection and long serving lifetime in proper use. Only if laser line generator is mounted or integrated into desired machine or equipment, after connects with 5V, 9V 1000mA AC/DC adapter, it makes continuous red line projection with good directivity and good stability. It is merely effect by long distance, high height or other complex working environments as well. In various operating temperature, humidity and calibration, it enables high speed, high accuracy and high brightness red line alignment for multiple raw material processing works conveniently. Applications: laser cutting, lumber machine, textile garment processing, saw mill, metal processing, drilling system, laser car wheel alignment system https://www.berlinlasers.com/650nm-red-line-laser-module

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Last name: Summer
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