Charming Light Emitting Tool of DC Power 445nm Blue Laser Diode Module - Orange - Industrial Machinery, Orange - 3149355


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Charming Light Emitting Tool of DC Power 445nm Blue Laser Diode Module - Industrial Machinery

Ref. number: 3149355 Updated: 28-05-2024 11:09

Price: 49 AUD $

Offering: Industrial Machinery in Australia, Orange

On consideration of high accuracy and high stability dot projection at longer distance than formal hand reaching, it makes an efficient job with a direct diode emission made Berlinlasers 445nm blue laser diode module within 50mW to 100mW. Cooperating with an import laser diode and qualified glass coated lens inside a high duration metal housing tube, after its projection of high transmittance blue laser light source emission, it also makes highly clear blue dot projection at long extending distance. This charming blue laser light emitting tool brings users good dot alignment experience for laser show, laser displaying, laser communication and high tech work etc.

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Contact information
First name: Berlin
Last name: Summer
Phone number: 02185068158
Mobile number: 02185068158
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